Hello Friends,
Today I start 12 sessions with a personal certified lymphedema trainer.....this is so "outside of my comfort zone". I have commented myself to 12 sessions and am somewhat nervous. To prepare myself I walked up and down 960 stairs Saturday and Sunday--yes it took 2 days!
Statics show that 60-70 % of cancer survivors are overweight or obese. This excess fat increases your chances of your cancer returning. The fat cells store hormones that can be harmful to cancer survivors. I received lots of steriods with my chemo and I gained about 30 pounds. I did lose some that weight about 3 years ago but have this extra 10 lbs of FAT around my waist and stomach area.
I am 5' 3', weigh 139 lbs (shhh!) and my waist is 36 inches--OMGosh!! Your waist size should be 1/2 (or less) of your height sooooo I have alot of work ahead of me. LOL Now, don't get ahead of yourselves visualising my hugeness, my hips are 39 inches. Pray for me to focus so I can lose inches, at least 4 1/2, and a few pounds. On a positive note, at least, my reconstructed breasts will not get smaller. Yay for silicone.
To all of my survivor readers, I challenge you to get into better shape. I have limitations with my arm and shoulder but the trainer will show me how to work around my issues. UGH! If you live in Tarrant County there is an awesome program for all cancer survivors. You can contact Moncrief Cancer Institute at 817-281-9801 or Moncrief.com. They are in the Ft Worth hospital district. I encourage you to check it out if you live locally.
Here's to less sugar (Dr Pepper) and more exercise!!
Thanks for your support!
Hi there! I was actually just checking out a few of your posts and had a quick question about your blog. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance -emilywalsh688 (at) gmail.com- Thanks : )