Monday, March 19, 2012

Gotta love the cardiologist as much as they love me :)

Well, the saga continues.......I spent 3 1/2 hours at the doctor's office today for a CT Scan of my heart. This was my 2nd try as my heart rate was too high the first time. So they gave me meds to lower my heart rate, but it  was not low enough this morning for the test. So they gave me more meds orally and through my IV in the vein they had to DIG for.  I guess they like to bruise me before taking pictures. What is up with that??

I got 2 invitations from the cardiologist today when my appointment was over. They want to see me again 3/30 and 4/20. So glad they give me advance notice so I can make sure my calender has some open time.

I had a huge garage sale this weekend.....made $238 and had to use it to pay for a speeding ticket, $208.10. I paid them in cash and 50 of it was in one dollar bills. It took them awhile to count it but now I don't have to go to jail. LOL  I would be so grouchy if I were in jail that I am sure I would have gotten an early release.

Still packing and trying to stay focused.......I have 10 days without a doctor appointment so I should get a lot done.

Please say a prayer for me that the cardiologist stops wanting to spend so much time with me.

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