Hello, today I am realizing that the home owner chapter of my life is about to end. I am so sad (but somewhat relieved) but medical bills and unemployment have not been financially lucrative for me. I look around my yard that needs to be mowed, the house that needs to be painted and I just can't do these things myself anymore. SOOOOO, on a brighter note I will not have to worry about replacing the fence, heat pump failure or flooring. I never found that person that longed to do these things for me. My father lives too far away. LOL
I have been so blessed, as I got to raise my children in a nice home. The kids went to decent schools and we always felt safe and secure. That is what we hope for as parents--for our children to feel safe and secure. After my divorce the kids and I had this house built and been here for 10 1/2 years.
If I only look at my patio I see beautiful flowers that bloomed all winter long. It was my first experience having pansies that do well in the Texas winters and even on the cold dreary windy days I had a ray of sunshine on my patio. :) So no matter why I end up I will always have a patio for plants and flowers. And I can't forget the mean little dog that goes with me.
So pray for me as I pack and prepare for a new chapter of my life's journey. I have so much to thankful for so life is good!!
You got a new dog?