Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I Played the Ovary Lottery and I won!

My genetic testing came back negative so I get to keep my ovaries....thank goodness, I have given them (those people in scrubs) so much else. This was also great news for my children so their chances of getting certain cancers are about the same as the normal population. Anyway, it was great news for all of us.

I have found a site called and thought I would try it out to raise money for physical therapy and garments for lymphedema. I have a very kind physical therapist that is working with me financially. I am so blessed to be able to get some treatment and then, as always, continuing my exercises at home. We all do that, right?!? I have learned to do them as the PT can tell if I don't do them. It is almost like going to the dentist and telling them you floss twice a day.

It has taken several years for me to find some great resources as I have not had cancer for 6 years but the memory remains fresh with scar tissue, all the surgeries and lymphedema. I didn't even know how to spell "Lymp a what" until I was diagnosed with it. I swear I felt like those people in scrubs were trying to kill me but I kept taking it. lol

God Bless all of family and friends for all their help and support. Many thanks and blessings to all of you that read my blog.

In 22 minutes it will be a new day. The Mavericks are playing tomorrow and I have a date with my man friend. Life is good and goes on even with all my complaints.

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