Monday, June 4, 2012

I thought "the neck bone was connected to the cervical spine bone".

Another doctor experience:

First, I am told the doctor is very hard of hearing with 2 hearing aides and that I will need to look at him when I speak. This is an elderly man so I do applaud him for still working. :)

The doctor office is located in, shall I say, an older part of town. It was a board certified internal medicine doctor.

He asks me how many surgeries I've had. I am the surgery queen so I started at the top.( NO, not brain surgery but, after all, the CT and MRI's I had that may be next. lol)

ME: I have had 5 eye surgeries
DR: Why did you have 3 eye surgeries?
ME: I had 5 eye surgeries
DR: yes, that is what I meant to say

I told him I had neck surgery for pinched nerves in 2005 and a mile long list of my complaints; one being lymphedema.

ME: I, also, have some problems with lymphedema
DR: Well, yes, that is very common with neck surgery.
ME: Excuse me, the lymphedema is from the breast surgery
DR: yes, that is what I meant to say

So my chief complaint is that I have lost some use of my right arm and hand due to more pinched nerves in my neck, breast surgery and lymphedema. So I have an xray ordered for lower spine. Maybe I need to retake an anatomy class because I thought "the neck bone was connected to the cervical spine bone".

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure he is a nice man, but a doctor who can hear and means what he says the first time may be in order. I'm just saying'...
