Monday, February 20, 2012

This weekend I went on my first Women's Church Retreat. It was a gift from a very dear friend of mine for celebrating being an almost 5 year survivor. It was a group of 22 women, all ages and I only really knew one of them well. I have to say it was somewhat out of my comfort zone even with my gift of gab. :)

It was a powerful, enlightening and uplifting experience. Sometimes in the midst of my pitty parties I forget that all of us have challenges and adversity in our lives. Everyone shared experiences and how they coped with hurdles in their life journey. These hurdles help shape us into who we strive to be, it offers us strength and a chance to be with our Lord as he often carries us during our darkest hours. We become stronger and can offer strength and encouragement to others through experience, faith and prayer.

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